Posts tagged angel investor
Episode: 14 See Jane Angel Invest with Alicia Syrett

If you’ve ever wondered what advisory board members are, how to tell when you need them, or where to find them, you’re in the right spot.

You should also stick around if you’re looking for tips and tricks on how to get your startup noticed -- straight from an angel investor focused on women entrepreneurs.

Today’s guest is Alicia Syrett, founder of Point 25 Initiative, a mentorship program for women entrepreneurs seeking advisory board members. She is also the founder and CEO of Pantegrion Capital, an angel investment vehicle focused on seed and early stage investments.

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Episode: 4 See Jane Crowdfund with Aja Atwood

When people think of startups, they often imagine ideas written on napkins and late nights brainstorming in the basement.  I assure you, Aja Atwood’s start up, Trella, is not your average startup. She’s light years ahead of the curve creating solutions to indoor farming needs and specifically the space concerns in urban farming.  How amazing is that?!

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