Episode: 20 See Jane Produce a Film with Nora Poggi & Insiyah Saeed
A few years after I started See Jane Invest, I came across a fantastic female entrepreneur centered film idea on Indiegogo. That revolutionary documentary turned out to be my foray into producing.
Today I’m joined by the filmmakers behind She Started It, Nora Poggi and Insiyah Saeed. It was such a pleasure to find their work because, as you'll hear in the interview, it really represented everything that I hoped See Jane Invest would stand for.
A few years after I started See Jane Invest, I came across a fantastic female entrepreneur centered film idea on Indiegogo. That revolutionary documentary turned out to be my foray into producing.
Today I’m joined by the filmmakers behind She Started It, Nora Poggi and Insiyah Saeed. It was such a pleasure to find their work because, as you'll hear in the interview, it really represented everything that I hoped See Jane Invest would stand for.
She Started It is a documentary about female entrepreneurs, and it follows several of them through the ups and downs of the startup journey. What I loved about it is that it’s not just a “go out there, live your dream” kind of film. It really focuses on the reality of what it takes to be a female entrepreneur.
Notable Moments:
Learn Nora and Insiyah’s origin stories and how they met at the Women 2.0 conference
Hear how they saw a need for more media about these amazing women, and realized no one was filling it
Nora shares how she realized we needed to change the conversation around female entrepreneurship
Insiyah explains how the project went from a documentary series to a documentary and what it took to keep the project going
Hear how they selected the women to be in She Started It
We talk about a moment in the film that revealed how unconscious bias reveals itself in the family dynamics of one female founder.
Learn about Nora and Insiyah’s initiative to bring the film to more classrooms and communities
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
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Fuse TV
Girls Who Code
Girls in Tech
JLABS (Johnson & Johnson innovation lab in Boston)
She Started It Trailer
She Started It Website
She Started It Film on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter